Learn to Code Special! | 30% off ALL ACCESS to One Month πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Suzannah scully

Student Spotlight: Suzannah Scully

β€œSarah brought my writing into uncharted territory while consistently providing unwavering inspiration and support.”

Suzannah Scully

Executive Coach

Charles best 2

β€œI've traveled a steep learning curve thanks to Chris' friendly and lucid style of teaching!”

Charles's Story β†’

Alex kehaya

β€œNow, when I talk to a developer, I actually know what I'm talking about.”

Alex's Story β†’

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β€œI’ve managed to get a job as a web developer after years as an illustrator. I know enough to get started but I just wanted to say I’m so glad to have found One Month and already feel way more confident talking at work! Thanks!”

James's Story β†’