Learn to Code Special! | 30% off ALL ACCESS to One Month πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Darren hakimi

Student Spotlight: Darren Hakimi

β€œSo far you're the only one who has been able to teach me how to code. An INCREDIBLE thank you!”

Darren Hakimi


Om student spotlight 0000 alex k

β€œThe One Month classes helped me launch an app that would have cost $20,000 using a rails developer, but I built it myself in a weekend.”

Alex's Story β†’

Paulblackstone 1373636734 08

β€œIn One Month iOS, Alfie Hanssen did a great job of breaking down all the pieces. Now I can communicate more ideas to my developer.”

Paul's Story β†’

Jordan gutman

β€œI don't think there are any classes out there at this price point where you can actually get started and build something.”

Jordan's Story β†’