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Welcome to One Month's Learn Ruby!

Week 1: Introduction to Ruby ยท Lesson 1 ยท

A quick overview of what we'll be doing in this class.

Welcome to One Month's Learn Ruby course. I'm really excited to have you as a student, and I hope you're excited to learn some pretty cool stuff over the next month. By the end, if you stick along with it and do the work, I promise you'll have a deeper understanding of how to code with Ruby and maybe build that application, start a new job in development, or get that promotion you've been waiting for.

What are we going to learn?

In the first section, we'll get set up and install Ruby and all the different things that we'll actually need to go through this course.

It's a little bit of a pain – I want to give you a heads up – but we have a special solution just for that. We'll take a look at that shortly.

How many times per week should you take this class?

Well, different people can take it at a different pace. What I recommend is that you set aside about an hour each week. 

In the next video, let's get started with a Primer on the Ruby programming language!