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A quick overview of what we'll be doing in this class.
Let's get some background on Ruby real quick.
Make sure you have Sublime Text and the Command Line ready before moving on.
Feel free to play around with the look and feel of your command line so that you can get something you like working with.
Let's get Ruby set up on your computer.
In this lesson, I show you how you might troubleshoot a problem during the installation process in case you run into one. (Feel free to skip this step if your installation worked fine and you just want to jump directly to coding.)
The command line can be a scary place for beginners, but there are only a handful of commands you'll need to know in order to use it including pwd, cd, and ls.
I'm going to show you how to run your first Ruby code with the Interactive Ruby Shell (IRB).
I'm going to show you how to write and run your first Ruby script. Are you ready? You're about to get 20% more awesome.
Ahh help! Help! Its not working! Before you freak out, let me walk you through what might go wrong when you make a typo, and how you can fix it.
Once you learn about comments, you'll start seeing them everywhere!
Let's play around with some numbers in Ruby.
Variables are just names for things. They're the building blocks of programming.
Strings are another data type its important to know about in Ruby.
Now I'll show you how to get input from people interacting with your scripts.
Let's review our Ruby.
Methods make the world go round.
Let's learn how to use methods to set variables.
I'll show you how to solve the challenge from the last lesson.
I'll show you how to read files in Ruby
I'll show you how to write to files in Ruby.
With the last two lessons (reading and writing files), you now have enough to do more advanced stuff, like write a script that copies a file from one place to another.
True or False: Are you ready?
We're going to practice the truth table stuff together so that you get a better hang of it.
Have you ever wondered 'What If'?
Else and Elsif are the other half of If.
Arrays are basically lists of things in Ruby. Let me show you how to use them.
Loops let you do the same thing over everything in a list. Confused? They're really useful. Let me show you want I mean.
I'm going to challenge you with a common developer interview question.
Here's how I solved FizzBuzz.
There was more about Arrays that I forgot to tell you.
What? More stuff? This is it. Hashes are basically arrays crossed with a dictionary.
Take a peek at the final Learn Ruby code. This is all the Ruby code behind the project you're building. If you get stuck at any point in this course? Take a look at my code and compare your work to mine.
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