One Month JavaScript is a series of video and projects that can transform anyone - even a total beginner - into a JavaScript developer. In just one month you will build two real-world projects that you can add to your career portfolio.
Week 1 - The Top 10 Concepts That Are The Same in Every Programming Language
What is JavaScript? This week we’ll work on an app called “Happy Hour” that will tell you where to go to happy hour after work.
Week 2 - Giphy API
Now, we’ll make an app that searches for animated GIFs. It will require us to build a search bar, make an API call to, and then to display all the JSON data we receive as images on our site.
One Month JavaScript offers a series of video and projects that can transform anyone—even a total beginner—into a JavaScript developer. Let's start here! Keep watching for a quick summary of what to expect from the course and to get familiar with the One Month method of teaching.
Over the next 4 weeks, you'll build four projects using JavaScript: A basic JavaScript app, a GIF Search Engine using the GIPHY API, a SoundCloud music player, and an app using Google Charts. Building these will teach you important concepts you need to know to not just be a decent JavaScript developer, but to be a decent developer in general, no matter the language you use.
Let's make sure we're both on the same page! In this lesson we go over some definitions of terms and concepts that will be used in the course. We start with what programming entails, look at JavaScript and also go over other frontend technologies such as HTML and CSS.
Chris Castiglione is an educator. He is the co-founder of One Month, and faculty at Columbia University Business School. His mission is to use storytelling as a tool to inspire positive change in the world. Chris's mediums include video, podcasts, writing, and teaching.