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Featured Student: Sandi Lin

Featured Student: Sandi Lin

Non-technical co-founder launches Rails MVP

Sandi Lin on One Month Rails

Co-founder at Everpath.org

"One Month Rails started me on a path that's truly changed my life." - Sandi, Seattle, WA

In April 2013, I was a struggling non-technical founder that couldn't make sense of the 'learn to code' resources available on the web. Everything was geared towards syntax (e.g. Codecademy) or waaaay too complex. I came across One Month Rails on Skillshare and decided it was worth it just to have someone handhold me through setting up my Mac.

One month later, I had my MVP up, and two months after that, we have thousands of visitors from 138 countries! Our mission is to help people find the right courses to learn technology skills online. My team just started TechStars Seattle, a startup accelerator program, that will take us to the next level. One Month Rails started me on a path that's truly changed my life.

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