- Hi everyone, welcome
to One Month Python,
brought to you by One Month.
My name is Mattan Griffel
and I'm gonna introduce
myself really quickly
before we get started.
So I'm one of the co-founders
of One Month along
with Chris Castiglione who
you may have seen before
if you have taken any
other One Month classes.
Such as Programming for Non-programmers
or One Month H.T.M.L. or
One Month's JavaScript.
My story is that I've probably
started out learning
programming a lot like you.
I never studied computer science.
I actually you know
studied business undergrad
and I started working at
a startup out of college
and I came up with this idea
at some point along the way
for something I wanted to build.
The problem was that I didn't
actually know how to build it.
I knew it was technical so I knew
that I'd probably need a developer.
It was this idea for a website basically.
And I kept trying to find developers.
I live here in New York City
so there's all these tech
meet-ups you can go to.
Friend of mine told me to check out a few.
And I kept pitching my
idea around to people
but they kind of weren't
all that interested
or it didn't really stick.
Or I would find people sometimes
but I didn't have any
money to pay a developer.
I was looking for a technical
co-founder essentially
and after months and
months of going around
to tryin' to find someone who could make
this idea happen I had a friend named John
and John sat me down and he said,
"Listen Mattan, I hate to break it to you
"but if you're looking for someone else
"to make your idea happen
it's never gonna happen.
"Stop waiting to find that
perfect technical co-founder
and start learning how to code yourself."
And he told me this story of how he
had initially taught himself how to code.
Using some online guides
he spent the summer working
at a parking garage in
high school and managed
to find these guides and
build a website for himself
and even though he didn't
know anything about coding.
And this to me inspired me
because it made me realize
okay maybe this is something I can try.
I didn't really have high
expectations but I give it a shot
and I gave myself exactly a month
'cause I figured I don't wanna do this
for too long before I know
that maybe it's not for me
but I thought I would
need at least a month.
Not just like a week or a few days
to see if I can actually
build something real.
And at the end of that
month I was astounded by
the progress that I had made.
You'd be surprised at
how much you can learn
in a short amount of time with
a month of dedicated effort
and that one month has been
the starting-off point for
so many amazing changes in my career.
Based on that course I started
teaching at General Assembly
and on Skillshare and Udemy
and a few other places
and actually ended up producing one of
the best selling classes
they had ever had.
We had 6000 students in
this first Skillshare course
and all that it was was
me telling other people
about how I had managed to
learn how to code in a month.
I was showing people the tips
of where they should start
because alotta people don't
know where they should start
and I just put together the class
that I wish had existed for
me when I was first learning
Because unfortunately, as you'll learn,
if you watch YouTube
videos or pick up a book
alotta these guides are not
built with beginners in mind
and they don't really expect
that you wanna be able
to do something tangible
and have something to show
for yourself after a short amount of time.
So they'll start either way too slow
or go way too quickly and
that was what made One Month's classes
so successful was by the end
of a One Month class you will
have something really powerful
to show for yourself and
you can then take that
and maybe go get a job or
become a junior developer
or build a prototype of
what you have in mind
or apply it to whatever
you're currently doing even
if it's has nothing to do with coding.
I guarantee that you will learn
what we do and then realize,
oh I could apply that to this kinda thing
to do my job that much better, awesome.
Now you're more valuable, now you can ask
for higher salaries, now you're just able
to do more and the marketplace.
So based on that and the
success of these classes,
One Month was actually accepted
into this program called Y Combinator,
which is an accelerator
based in Silicon Valley.
We went there, we raised funding,
we've produced many many
more One Month classes
and we're excited to bring them to you.
Andreessen Horowitz is
one of our investors
as well as several others and yeah.
So that's a little bit more about myself
but I don't wanna bore you too much,
let's get into the actual
details of the class.