Before you can start coding with Python, you have to ensure that your computer is set up right. I'll take you through the process of installing Python on your MacOS, Windows or Linux OS via the Anaconda distribution. After that, you'll need to install a code editor. I use Sublime Text and would suggest it for this course. But you can use any text editor you prefer.
1. Install Sublime Text
Before we write our first line of Python code, you'll need to install a text editor (sometimes called an IDE). In this course, we'll be using Sublime Text.
- Go to and download the installer for Sublime Text (Mac or PC, Free software)
- Install Sublime Text (the latest version) and make sure it's easily accessible on your computer.
If a window pops up saying something like "unregistered evaluation version," then click "cancel" and you can remain using the free trial mode indefinitely.
2. Install Python
There are several ways to install Python on your computer. We'll be using a simple installer called Anaconda.
- Download the Python 3.6+ version Anaconda installer for Windows, OSX, or Linux.
- Accept all the defaults during installation (just click "Continue" or "Next" the whole way).
- If you run into the following error (see below) click "Install for me only" again and you should be able to continue. *Windows Users should check the "install to PATH" option even though it tells you NOT to do this and turns red.*

4. Once the installation has finished, restart your computer.
3. Set Up Your Command Line
The command line is where you run your code once you've written it, and its already installed by default on most computers.
- Follow these instructions to get Terminal (the OSX version) or PowerShell (the Windows version) set up.
- The "Do More" section is optional. We'll be going over that in class.
- Complete exercises 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 to get familiar with the command line. We'll be using it throughout the course. (This step is also optional but HIGHLY recommended.)
Common Issues Installing Python
- Make sure you restart your computer after running the Python installer.
- Make sure you only type python in the prompt (no quotes, no spaces, no punctuation, nothing).
- You may have to disable antivirus temporarily.
- If you're on a work computer and it doesn't let you install Python or Sublime Text then you may need to contact your IT team and request permission.
- So the first thing that
we're gonna need to do
is set up our computer
with Python, text editor,
and a few other things so that
we can actually write code.
Now I'm not gonna walk
through this together
because it does change pretty often,
so I've included in the
lesson notes below this video
the steps that you wanna walk through.
And then in the next video,
I'm gonna go through and
do a quick sanity check
just to make sure we
have everything set up,
we didn't make any
mistakes before we move on.
So before we go onto the next video,
check out the notes below
this, follow those steps,
and make sure that you've
got everything installed
that you need so that we can get started.