Journey To The Center Of The Problem

Week 1: The Web Development Process · Lesson 1 ·

Programming is about solving problems. But before you can find a solution, you have to first fully understand the problem. In this lesson, we discuss ways in which you can work through your ideas, get to the bottom of the exact problem you are trying to solve, formulate a solution and start working on it. You will get pointers that will help you get your ideas from your head onto a computer as well as how to communicate them to others involved in the problem-solving process like developers and designers.

You might see computer coding as an entirely different language (and you'd be right!). But at its heart, coding is all about problem-solving. So the first step in understanding how to communicate your ideas through technology is to understand what the problem you want to address really is. If you can articulate that, you have a goal that you and/or a coding expert can work towards. 

If you're not already familiar with it, you can read more about The 5 Whys