- So the main question
of this class is how do I
communicate an idea from
my head to a computer
So I have this idea of
something I want to build.
I want to build an app, I
want to build a website,
How do I communicate that
to get it coded right?
Do I just jump in and start coding it?
What if I can't code it myself?
Do I hire people?
Well how do I communicate
to find the developer
whose going to do that?
Or maybe I have developers
but I don't know
how to communicate what
I see in my head to
what they see which is
probably some code, which
I can't communicate we
don't have a common language
These are communication
problems and that's what
we're going to work on.
Though the examples I
just gave you, you can see
that there's a few
different problems in there.
It's not only a coding
problem if it was that
I'd say "Hey let's just
start coding right now."
And you know what maybe
that is one solution to
the problem.
But, maybe the tool that
you need to solve your
problem actually isn't code
and we're going to talk
about that as well.
There's great ways to
solve problems and there's
some apps out there and
there's some methods
out there where you
don't even need to code.
So that's going to be really cool.
Especially for a non-programmer.
In addition there's some
people out there who can
help you right.
You just have to know
where to look for them and
who to hire or to talk to about your idea.
We're going to go through
that as well and get
you versed in all the
different possible people
you could hire and then
we're going to focus on
four that I think are going to be,
the ones you're going to want to look for.
So we're going to go through that as well.
So again, we're still
refining and refining
this idea you have and you
want to communicate it.
Okay, you want to communicate an idea,
I've said that a million
times, but why right.
There's always an underlining personal
risk, or goal, or desire
right for making this
thing and that brings us to the problem.
Every great idea has a problem.
Is there some problem
You thought hey if I could
just make an app right
to solve that problem I
could make a lot of money.
Man, if I could just make
a website to organize
my mom's documents at her company
I could help her business flourish right.
I could you know, make
the thing of my dreams
in my head right.
I could save lives by helping donations
come in.
Whatever idea it is
right, that you want to
Let's start being more
honest about what is the
underlying motivation for it?
Think about that maybe
even pause and take a
second to jot down the five why's.
Why am I doing this?
You know why, why, why.
Look up the five why's
if you don't know it.
So that's where we want
to be we want to get to
that core problem because coding as you're
going to see is all about problem solving.
So the next video I'm
going to give you the
definition for programming
and we're going to
look at some examples
and metaphors to help
keep it clear in your
head as we go through this
We're talking the same
language okay, I'll see
you in the next video.