1. Make sure you're in Slack
We sent you an invite. Check your email. (Not in your spam folder? Ok, email teachers@onemonth.com and we can help.)
2. Expectations for the course
- Every Monday you’ll receive roughly one hour of videos from me. Along with a homework challenge.
- All homework challenges are due the following SUNDAY by 11:59pm EST. You submit them to the site, their’s a "Submit Assignment tab:
- Put 2-3 hours on your calendar each week. (all at once, or even better split among 2 or 3 days). There will be a leaderboard for those of you who excel the most. Get on it!
Your Grade:
- For each assignment, you will receive a grade of 20 points
- Your total grade is 20 points (x 4 assignment) + 20 points for participation, helping other students, AND watching all the videos. If you do that, you will graduate and earn your certificate.
- If you have questions? I suggest that you always ask in the public Slack channels, rather than DM-ing me.