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Oh, The Projects You'll Make!

Getting Started ยท Lesson 2 ยท

Over the next 4 weeks, you'll build four projects using JavaScript: A basic JavaScript app, a GIF Search Engine using the GIPHY API, a SoundCloud music player, and an app using Google Charts. Building these will teach you important concepts you need to know to not just be a decent JavaScript developer, but to be a decent developer in general, no matter the language you use.

Here's what we're going to learn: 

  1. How to make a Happy Hour App & Oprah (!), utilizing ten concepts of javascript like functions, arrays, and conditionals. 
  2. How to make a GIF Search Engine, taking advantage of things like APIs and AJAX.
  3. How to make a Soundcloud player, refining our knowledge of APIs, and getting into advanced functions and refactoring. 
  4. How to use Google Charts to make your own lightweight API.